Wednesday, June 18, 2008

..on measuring area

Below are some regular geometric shapes. Using Green's Theorem, the white areas were measured. This was done by utilizing Scilab's contour follower command (provided by the Sip toolbox library).

obtained area: 18387
analytic area: 18696

obtained area: 34636
analytic area: 33944

obtained area: 41818
analytic area: 42228

Green's Theorem

For the rectangle, the percent deviation from the analytic area is 1.65%. For the circle it is 1.89%, and 0.97% for the square. These values are well below 5% acceptance threshold. The technique is accurate enough.

I want to give mysef a 10. I was successful in implementing the technique.

Thanks to Rica and Ed for the help with the Sip toolbox.

1 comment:

Jing said...

That's good. Looks like a 10 to me indeed.